Sugya  Series

The Laws of Tishah B’Av

The Day Before

Learning walking (Ramoh 554:2)


Seudah Hamafsekes.

Sitting Low. May wear shoes. May eat after, but not a meal.

It is in addition to real meal which precedes it.

Drinking during day before fast..

Menu: Slice of bread, egg or one cooked food, ash, no mezumun.


Laws of the day


Eating and drinking:

Prayer of nacheim for sick, not for children

To take medice that doesn’t taste good or pills, consider teaspoon of liquid.

Toothbrush and mouthwash, (not water).


Leather shoes:



Deodorant vs. perfume


Intimate realtions:


Touching, and endearment such as same or touching beds, handing is not restricted (Teshuvos V’Hanhagos)



Until knuckles

Unless dirty, consider soap for germs, same logic


Sitting low: Prevelant custom 12 inches still like ground


Torah study: “joyous”, except portions focused on tone of the day


Night after

Meat and wine restriction

Day after, until midday


Haircuts, bathing, music. washing clothing