Talmud Baba Kama

150 of 119 items

BabaKama91- Baal Tashchis, when there is a purpose

TTfT1489. A person is not allowed to damage himself. Likewise a person is not allowed to chop down his own trees. This mitzvah is called Baal Tashchis and prohibits a person from doing damage to himself or his property, if he does not have a proper reason to do so. In this session we discuss more »

BabaKama92- Besides Payment, Asking Forgiveness- The Power of Breakfast

TTfT1490- Even though you have made the necessary payments for money owed for doing damage, one must still ask forgiveness. This is learned from the story of Avimelech who took Sarah, the wife of Avraham, where Avimelech gives gifts to appease Avraham. The Rambam makes a distinction between damaging ones money to damaging a person more »