TTfT1490- Even though you have made the necessary payments for money owed for doing damage, one must still ask forgiveness. This is learned from the story of Avimelech who took Sarah, the wife of Avraham, where Avimelech gives gifts to appease Avraham.

The Rambam makes a distinction between damaging ones money to damaging a person physically.

Once a person is asked sincerely for forgiveness one is supposed to forgive. One who does not forgive after repeated requests is viewed as cruel, as teshuva is part of creation and Judaism in particular.

Because our goal here is not just to teach Torah and discuss it, but also to give a little strategy as to how to succeed, we make quick reference to the importance of breakfast. The Talmud says that a person who eats breakfast has considerable more strength than one who did not, clearly advocating that a person makes sure to eat breakfast, which will give strength for the entire day.

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