The Nature of Miracles

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine

As the Jews approached the Land of Israel, they sent spies to find out more about the land. Forty days later, the spies returned. “The inhabitants are so strong that we cannot possibly conquer them,” the spies reported. The Jews believed that assessment and were punished. It would be forty years before they would finally enter the Land of Israel.

What is behind the story of the spies? Why did a nation that had seen so many miracles in Egypt and in the desert feel that they could not conquer the land?

The commentaries explain that the transition into the Land of Israel was a difficult one. The Jewish existence in the desert was miraculous. They were miraculously provided with food; they were protected from their enemies. Upon entering the Land, they would begin normal, natural living. Thus, the spies reported back, “According to the laws of nature, we cannot win.”

Still, the spies and the people are faulted. Although it is true that the Jews could not expect overt miracles once they left the Desert Era, but G-d would still influence the world through miracles hidden in nature.

As the Jews entered the Land of Israel, a new approach was being implemented. They needed to send spies because that is what normal people do before waging war. Reporting back that the people were very strong was also proper. But, when they concluded that they would lose the war, they were overstepping their bounds. They thought they were now limited by the laws of nature. But, the Jews were entering a new era: the era of natural miracles. G-d would still perform miracles, but the miracles would occur within the framework of natural events.

Often in life, we encounter challenges that are bigger than we are. The lesson of the spies is that nature and logistics should be assessed. But, G-d’s “natural miracles” have to be factored into the equation. The phenomenal growth of observant Jewry against logical odds is an example of this. Had we “believed” the laws of nature, we would have given up and failed. Similarly, the existence of the State of Israel, as well as the survival of the people of Israel, are examples of miracles within the framework of nature.

It is said that a King once asked a philosopher, “If you really believe in miracles, show me one.”

The philosopher responded, “The Jews, your majesty. The Jews.”

As the Jews entered the Land of Israel, they were entering a world of nature tempered by the miraculous. Jewish survival isn’t about blind faith. Neither is it about sheer optimism. The Jewish agenda is set with an awareness that the tasks are greater than we are. With G-d’s miraculous help, we will succeed.

With best wishes for a wonderful Shabbos.

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