Today’s Daf Session is sponsored by
Mr. and Mrs. Eli and Leba Weissmann, Clifton NJ


In this session we will explore the power of the Bedtime Shema, and the verses which are recited to accompany it. bedtime shema

Also, we will discuss the halachic importance of the Bedtime Shema in that it is said at night, in contrast to the Shema of the evening service which is sometimes recited before nightfall.

For Hebrew text in pdf please click here


Quick Review:
Reasons for bedtime Shema: ensure reciting shema after nightfall, protection of shema or of any Torah
How much required to say to fulfill mitzvah: first paragraph, or all three and Keil melech neeman
Quality of a Talmid Chochom: always reviewing Torah learning
Torah called “Uf” like bird flying away: unless constantly reviewing


Points you don’t want to miss:

When the Talmud (4b) contrasts a person who comes home, eats a little, rests a little, and may fall asleep without daveing Maariv, with a person who goes to shul after work, learns and davens, and then goes home to eat, the Talmud describes his meal as “He eats bread, and recites the blessing.” Apparently, one of the contrasts which the Talmud finds worthy of mentioning is that he will recite Birchas Hamazon. This is something to consider in our culture that views eating bread as an inconvenience as it requires extra blessings. The Talmud viewed as part of the wonderful benefits to the person of routine, who goes to shul, learns and davens, and then sist down to a proper meal.


Why, in Ashrei, is there no stanza for the letter “Nun”? The Talmud explains (4b) that it would be the stanza describing the fall of the Jewish people, so Dovid omitted it.

Superficially, one can ask, “Is there no other word that starts with the letter ‘Nun’ that could be used?”

A careful read of Ashrei reveals that the stanza was meant to make reference to “Nofal- Falling,” as we see the next stanza is “Someich” that Hashem supports the Jewish people, and lifts them up. Alphabetic poetry in Tehillim is not simply about writing a stanza that starts with the next letter of the Aleph-Bais. There is a greater message and sequence which is the intent of the chapter.
