Posts by teach613

1120 of 159 items

Can You Taste the Afikoman?

by teach613

Can you taste the Afikoman? by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine THAT time of year is finally upon us. The time when the children come home from school with all the projects for the Pesach Seder. I, with parents throughout the world, look on with a mixture of pride and confusion. Pride that the children know so more »

Vayakheil- Pikudei- Beyond the Polls

by teach613

Beyond the Polls by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine One of the most crucial and fascinating aspects of the Mishkan was the center pole which went “from one end of the Mishkan structure to the other.” The Talmud (Shabbos 98b) tells us that it required a miracle for this center pole to work. What exactly was the more »

Ki Sisa- The Gold, the Calf, and the Holiday of G-d

by teach613

The Gold, the Calf, and the Holiday of G-d The story of the golden calf is well known. After the revelation at Sinai, Moshe ascended the mountain to learn the details of the law. He told the people that he would return after 40 days. They counted inclusively, counting the day of Moshe’s ascent. When more »

Teruma-L’Chayim: To Life!!

by teach613

L’Chayim: To Life!! by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The Aron, or Ark, of the Sanctuary was fashioned in a most sophisticated way. In addition to the crown and ornaments adorning its top, the Aron was fashioned of three different boxes. The inner box was made of gold, the middle box was made of wood, and the more »

Mishpatim- Did You Get the Message?

by teach613

Did You Get the Message? by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Parshas Mishpatim follows the Revelation at Sinai. One would expect the Torah to follow the great revelation with a mitzvah that is relevant to all times and places, a mitzvah we can focus on and get “hyped” about. Instead the Torah begins the Torah Portion with more »

Vaera- Are You An Angel?

by teach613

Are You An Angel? by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine One of the greatest moments in Jewish history is when the Jewish people were redeemed from Egypt. Yet, in this week’s parsha, just as the Torah is about to describe the dramatic redemption process, the Torah digresses to genealogy.  When the suspense is greatest, the story about more »

Shemos- The Lad Who Cried Wolf

by teach613

The Lad Who Cried Wolf by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Moshe was born into difficult times. Pharoh had issued a decree to kill all the baby boys. Upon birth, Moshe had to be hidden so that the Egyptian search parties wouldn’t find and kill him. After awhile, his parents felt that they could no longer hide more »

Vayechie- Praying for the Unknown

by teach613

Praying for the Unknown by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Yakov felt a special commonality with his son, Yosef. In this week’s parsha, he grants Yosef a special portion, the city of Shechem. Yakov declares, “I grant you a portion more than the others, a portion which I acquired through my prayers.” Why does Yakov take credit more »

Vayigash- Getting the Green-Back

by teach613

Getting the Green-Back by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Pharoh was excited. The identity of his admired viceroy was finally discovered. Yosef’s family was from a very different culture. They had different customs, a different outlook on life, and a totally different religion. Yet, the discovery of his family was momentous nonetheless. Pharoh invited Yosef’s family to more »

Vayeishev- If only I had known…

by teach613

If only I had known… Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Yosef, it appeared, was in deep trouble. Even as he approached his brothers, they were planning to eliminate him. Suddenly, the voice of Reuven, the eldest brother, was heard. “We dare not harm him directly,” he said. “Instead let us throw him in a pit.” The Torah more »