Parshas Vayakheil

4 Items

Vayakheil- Pikudei- Beyond the Polls

by teach613

Beyond the Polls by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine One of the most crucial and fascinating aspects of the Mishkan was the center pole which went “from one end of the Mishkan structure to the other.” The Talmud (Shabbos 98b) tells us that it required a miracle for this center pole to work. What exactly was the more »

Vayakheil- Discovering Love

by teach613

Discovering Love by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The campaign to raise donations for the Mishkan was a remarkable success. Even after the goals were reached people continued to offer more, until Moshe finally announced to stop. Such was the great motivation that people had to give. Interestingly, when the Torah was given at Sinai, Jewish tradition more »

Vayakheil- Torah of Life

by Mordechai Rhine

Torah of Life by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine There were 39 categories of work needed to fashion the Mishkan. These same 39 categories of work are prohibited on Shabbos. The commentaries explain that the Mishkan was a Home created by mankind to invite G-d into our lives. The acts needed to create the Mishkan paralleled the more »

Parshas Vayakheil – The Ambulance that Wasn’t Needed

by teach613

The Ambulance That Wasn’t Needed by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The fundraising efforts for the Mishkan were going quite well. In general it would be gauged as a massive success. Yet there was one group of people that did not donate right away and were censured for their delay. This group was none other than the more »