
3 Items

Shavuos- Whose Torah Is It?

by teach613

Whose Torah Is It? by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Shavuos is a holiday that could have been predicted. It is the holiday on which Hashem gave us the Torah. From the world around us, one could have predicted the giving of the Torah as a moral guide for people. DNA, the brain, the eye, and digestion, more »

Lag B’Omer Reflections: To Illuminate the Darkness

by teach613

Lag B’Omer Reflections: To Illuminate the Darkness by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Pesach marks the time of redemption from the slavery in Egypt; Shavuos marks the time when the Torah was given. The days of counting between Pesach and Shavuos are days of transition between freedom and what exactly what we intend to do with that more »

The Gift of Shavuos

by Mordechai Rhine

The Gift of Shavuos by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The holiday of Shavuos is known as the time when we received the Torah. It is an exciting commemoration, a special time. But there is one big question. The luchos [two tablets] that resulted from Shavuos were shattered when Moshe came down and saw the golden calf. more »