Parshas Beha’aloscha

4 Items

Beha’aloscha- I-m-perfect Utopia

by teach613

I-m-perfect Utopia by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Following the exodus from Egypt, the Jews were provided for in the desert in a most remarkable way. Food was provided daily in the form of the Manna; drink was provided from a special fountain. Their clothes miraculously grew with them and were perpetually cleaned by the Clouds of more »

Beha’aloscha- Holy Potatoes

by teach613

Holy Potatoes by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine The Jews lived a miraculous existence in the desert. The Manna tasted like whatever they chose. Water was plentiful thanks to the great fountain of Miriam. Their clothes grew with them and remained clean naturally thanks to the clouds of glory that surrounded them. For anyone judging the situation, more »

Beha’aloscha- How Are You Doing?

by teach613

How are you doing? by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Yisro, the father in law of Moshe, had come to check on the Jewish people and was impressed. He prepared to go back home where, he hoped, he would be able to share the message of the Jewish people with his relatives. Yet, Moshe objected. “Do not more »

Parshas Beha’aloscha- Are you for real?

by teach613

by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine Our teacher Moshe, was unique. Known to us as “the father of prophecy” he is the only prophet to have communicated so directly with Hashem. “Like a man speaks with his friend,” so was the communication of Hashem with Moshe. At the conclusion of the Revelation at Sinai, Hashem told Moshe more »