Sugya Series,

The Mitzvah of Bitachon



  1. Blessed is he who trusts Hashem; Hashem shall be his trust.

(Yirmiya 17:7)


2. Cast upon Hashem your burden, He will provide for you. (Tehillim 55:23)


3. If a person does not trust Hashem, he is placing his trust in an alternate force. Hashem removes Himself and allows the person to be provided for by the strategy that the person has trusted in.

(Chovos Halivavos, Introduction to the Gate of Bitachon)


4. A person who trusts Hashem lives with the awareness that no one in creation has the ability to help or hinder him, unless Hashem allows.

(Chovos Halivavos, Gate Three of Bitachon, see chinuch on nikama, parshas kedoshim)


Comparison to the Alchemist

5. One who trusts Hashem can achieve a serenity that is like that of the alchemist, and in fact surpasses the alchemist’s serenity in many ways.


a)      One who trusts Hashem does not need any rare chemicals, and does not need to be involved in dangerous procedures.

b)      One who trusts in Hashem can publicize his perspective without fear. He will therefore not fear to remain in one place, and will not fear that he may be reported to the authorities. If someone discovers his methods, they will respect him.

c)      One who trusts in Hashem achieves serenity even regarding the unknown future. When he needs to purchase things with money, the items will be available. He also has protection in life regarding aspects of life such as health that cannot be solved with money.

d)     One who trusts in Hashem benefits from his approach even in the World to Come.

(Chovos Halivavos, Introduction to Gate of Bitachon)

Purpose of work

6. The reason that Hashem placed upon us the need to work is to test us if we would behave within the guidelines of Bitachon, knowing that if Hashem doesn’t want it to happen it wont happen.

Additionally there are benefits to working in that it keeps us out of trouble.

(Chovos Halivavos, Bitachon 3; see Mishnah in Pirkei Avos 2:2)


7. Be careful lest you forget Hashem, to observe His commandments. Lest you eat and be satisfied and you will build beautiful homes. You will have cattle, sheep, and goats, as well as gold and silver. Your heart will become haughty and you will forget Hashem, Who took you out of Egypt, from the house of slavery.

(Devorim 8:11-14)


8. Israel became fat and kicked, and it deserted Hashem, the Rock if its salvation.

(Devorim 32:15)


Power of Prayer

9. Hashem provided the human being with intelligence and talent to care for himself. It is possible that a human being’s involvement in worldly affairs will lower him significantly, so Hashem prepared a remedy for this in the form of prayer. Before a person begins worldly endeavors he should petition Hashem for assistance, and place upon G-d all of the burdens. (Derech Hashem 4:5:2)


10. Moments of danger and fear are critical moments when a person can experience unprecedented growth or a tremendous loss. If in the moment of confusion the person turns to G-d in prayer then he is elevated. But if the person loses perspective then he has lost an opportunity for growth, and enters the free fall experience of lack of faith.

(Michtav MeEliyahu 2 p.68, explains “soton mikatreig”)


Perspective on an insurance policy

11. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with taking out a life insurance policy. It is like all other business deals which are permitted. In fact it would be forbidden for a person to say, “Hashem will provide, even without my effort.” Because who says you are worthy of such things. This is what Hashem has ordained. Through work, Hashem will provide His blessing.

A person must realize that all the efforts are only possible through the blessing of Hashem, Who gives strength for success.

To buy insurance is also through the wisdom granted by Hashem. Additionally, a person is trusting Hashem that when the premium needs to be paid each year that he will be able to do so. (Igros Moshe, Orach Chayim 2:111)