SH! 41 of 120- What to do for a one time offender

Based on Chofetz Chayim, Laws of Lashon Horah 4:4.

In the previous session we dealt with the situation where you witness a violation done by somebody whom you’re not sure really appreciates the gravity of what they did. They might not understand that what they’re doing is forbidden, or they might not understand- even if they know it’s wrong- that it is a true Torah violation. They may think it’s just a “nice thing” for people to do. We dealt with that in the previous session.

The Chofetz Chaim continues:

If the violation is such that it is clear that the person must have known that it is a severe violation, such as a married woman going with another man, or eating non-kosher food, and the person is a regular person, someone who tries to observe Torah, and to do the right thing. In such a case, if the violation was only witnessed as a one-time occurrence, one is not allowed to reveal this observation to others.

One must realize that it is possible that the person did Teshuvah, and by speaking about them, one is making fun of someone who has already been accepted back by Hashem.

Instead one should guide the person privately (if such guidance is appropriate) and speak to them encouragingly, in a soft way that does not embarrass them.

(Chofetz Chaim- Laws of Lashon Horah 4:4)