Rabbi Mordechai Rhine ~ www.teach613.org


Bireishis / Genesis Chapter 20, ArtScroll Chumash Pages 90-95


  1. Give two reasons that caused Avraham to relocate from his location near Sedom. (commentary introducing Chapter 20)



  1. How was Avraham related to Sarah? What did he claim? (verse 2)



  1. What did Avimelech do? (verse 2)



  1. What did Hashem advise Avimelch to do? (verse 7)



  1. How did Avraham explain his relationship with Sarah, and his misleading Avimelech? (verses 11 and 12, with second paragraph of commentary to verse 12)



  1. What was the punishment brought upon Avimelech, until Avraham prayed for him? (verse 18)