Rabbi Mordechai Rhine ~ www.teach613.org


Bireishis / Genesis Chapter 19, ArtScroll Chumash Pages 84-91


  1. Who hosts the angels when they get to Sedom? What does he serve them? Why? (verses 1-3, commentary to verse 3)



  1. What did the people of Sedom want Lot to do to the guests? Why?

(verse 5, commentary beginning of page 87)



  1. Why did the angels tell Lot to hurry and get out of the city? (verse 15)



  1. What happened to Sedom? (verses 24-25)



  1. What happened to Lot’s wife? (verse 26)



  1. Where did Lot and his daughters find refuge? (verse 30)


  1. What was the idea that the daughters wanted to implement? (verse 32)



  1. What names did they call their children? Why?

(verses 37-38, and commentary)