Rabbi Mordechai Rhine ~ www.teach613.org


Bireishis / Genesis Chapter 18, ArtScroll Chumash Pages 78-85


  1. What was Avraham doing outside, “in the heat of the day”?

A) He was waiting for a bus

B) He was hoping for guests

C) He was waiting for an ambulance

D) He was hoping for Lot to come back


  1. What mitzvah do we learn from Hashem’s visit to Avraham?


  1. How many people / angels came to visit Avraham? What were their functions?


  1. What caused Sorah to laugh?


  1. What lesson do we learn from the fact that Sorah was criticized for laughing?

A) A person should never laugh

B) One may not be skeptical when a miraculous salvation is proposed.

C) The greater a person is, the more Hashem judges the small things of what they do.


6. Why did Hashem want to destroy Sedom?


  1. Why does Avraham plead the case for Sedom?


  1. What was Avraham’s plea for Sedom?