The requirement to recite the first two paragraphs of Shema is based on the text within them stating that they should be recited daily. tallis corner

The last paragraph, however, has no such command. Why is it that we recite that final paragraph as part of the structure called “Shema”. What is the message of this important section?

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Quick Review:

Importance of mentioning Yetzias Mitzrayim every day:
Unlike Shema, Teffilin, and Mezuzah which indicate in the section that this is the mitzvah.
Contrast serving Hashem to the slavery to Pharoh
Parsha of Tzitzis has many important themes
In total adds up to 248 words

Points You Don’t Want to Miss:

Early generations wanted to incorporate the Aseres Hadibros (The Ten Statements, or “commandments”) into the daily prayers. They refrained from doing so due to the arguments of the heretics. Rashi explains that the heretics would say to the less learned Jews, “See the priority that Jews place on these ten statements. This shows that really only these are truth.” In reality, all of Torah is from Hashem and is sacred, but Hashem began teaching Torah as the Revelation at Sinai with these ten. So, even though the Asers Hadibros should be given special attention and constant review, this was not codified in daily prayer lest people get the wrong message about the rest of Torah, thinking that the rest of Torah is less important.
